San Marcos City Council Renews Airport Management Contract for 5 Years
Press Release
SAN MARCOS, Texas (February 5, 2015) – On Tuesday, Feb. 3, the San Marcos City Council voted unanimously to renew its contract with Texas Aviation Partners, LLC. for the operation, management, and development of San Marcos Regional Airport.
“We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished in these first five years,” said Stephen Alexander, founding partner. “We have more work to do and we’re honored to continue growing San Marcos Regional on behalf of the city and surrounding community.”
Since the original contract began in 2010, Texas Aviation Partners has overseen over $13M in federal, state, and local grant projects in addition to the day-to-day operations of the airport.
In 2014, Texas Aviation Partners completed a business development plan for the airport as part of a TxDOT administered federal grant. The plan focuses on real estate, business recruitment, and marketing in a 3-5 year time frame.
Implementation of the business plan is underway with an initial focus on brand development.
“We started with the creation of a logo to communicate the vision of the airport,” said Cassidy Berenato, Director of Marketing and Business Development. “We’ve already used it on new directional signage and it will tie-in with our airport website currently in design.”
“With the business plan complete we have a clear path on how to grow this airport over the next five years,” Alexander said. “The contract renewal reaffirms the visionary leadership of the City of San Marcos and their confidence in our team.”