Student art contest winners announced
As part of the festivities of National Planning Month in October, the city of San Marcos Development Services Department held a student art contest entitled, “My Favorite Place in San Marcos.” Winning students were recognized at an event that brought the public and the different board and commission members that deal with development in the city together.
Taking first place was Hernandez fourthgrader Ryan Sean Metcalf for his rendition of the San Marcos Airport, Mendez fifth-grader Araceli Castillo took second with her drawing of Rio Vista and Hernandez fourth-grader Harrison Mayhew placed third with his drawing of the San Marcos Fire Station.
Honorable mention went to Hernandez Elementary first-grader Elena Francis for her rendition of the San Marcos Public Library, Mendez fourth-grader Aliz Garces-Galindo for her drawing of Sunset Bowling Lanes, and Mendez third-grader Exetvan Cervantes for his version of Wonder World Cave.
All are students of Kay Posey who teaches art at both Mendez and Hernandez Elementary schools. The winning art work was displayed at the San Marcos Activity Center on Nov. 8.